Take a Picture it Lies Longer

I was listening to the radio on my way home from work the other day. I know it’s crazy not to listen to music that I spent hours selecting and illegally downloading off the internet, but sometimes I like to listen to news or talk. On this station, they were discussing the idea of documenting…

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Accepting Today

Ring . . . ring . . . ring. “Hello?” “Hello, my name is Emily, and I’m calling from Empire Credit Card. Is Ryan home today?” “Yes. I’m Ryan.” “Hello Ryan. How are you today?” “I’m feeling a little melancholy for no particular reason. This is fairly common though. I’m also a tad bit peckish,…

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A Hole . . . Lotta . . . Drugs

I’m outside the world’s sketchiest house. I feel that I’m running from something, so I open the world’s flimsiest green wooden door and go inside. There’s music playing, but it’s turned down real low, so I can’t make out the words in the song, and even if I could, I expect I would have never…

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Where’s the Muse at?

Sometimes when I’m writing anything, a story, a poem, or maybe even a clever email, I run into a touch of writer’s block. I even ran into writer’s block while writing this writing tip. Here are five ways that I battle writer’s block. Write down ideas through out the day when you have them. Writing…

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How much does it cost?

Come steal from us; And give to them. Please take freedom; I say take our Teachers, doctors. Appropriate; Land and water. I’m your soldier; She is your whore; Meek get nothing.

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Her thick tar black hair radiates steam; And Her powdery anthrax white skin spores. She carries no farm tools; And She wears no robe. She bares no skeleton; And She forgives no man. Her hand roles the bones; And Her eyes pierce him completely. He has no destiny; And he’s simply random.

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Half Past

The big hand guides the little hand; Pulling it forward, racing through time. The innocent little hand follows blindly; It never knows how fast things will change; It never knows how bad things will get. That little hand is now big; Pulling another little hand out of innocence. The clock keeps moving forward; In a…

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I look not to the sky Nor to the ground. Straight ahead. That’s where everything is to be found.

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Meeting Goals

For the last few years, I’ve been struggling to meet goals. The goals are simple, become a writer and get into shape. Neither goal is particularly difficult; they’re both just long and time-consuming. I’ve never been what you would call overweight, but getting into really good shape would still take a lot of dedication, maybe…

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Time for a Change

Today my daughter (Aphra) was sick, so I stayed home with her. She’s ten years old, so she pretty much just wanted to stick herself in front of the TV all day. I love Aphra dearly, and I wish we could have just taken the day off together, hung out and done something awesome, but…

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