Pretty Girl – Part 15 of Through the Gates

I feel a surprising amount of courage, coupled with a complete lack of anxiety. I walk toward the barking dog, but he’s so much louder now. The barks are loud, but they don’t seem angry. They seem desperate. The dog starts howling, a deep sad dog cry. The dog looks to be a black lab,…

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That Dog – Part 14 of Through the Gates

I don’t feel high, which is probably a good thing, considering I’m in a forest where someone tried to kill me, and I’m with a complete stranger, who I haven’t been able to completely rule out as involved with my attempted murder. “Why am I not high?” I ask Joey. “Huh?” “I smoked most of…

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Selective Amnesia – Part 13 of Through the Gates

We get out of the truck and cross the highway. It’s technically a highway, but it’s still a country road. Joey rubs his belly a bit, points to the ground, and says: “I think you were about there when I found you.” “You didn’t see a phone or a wallet nearby though, did you?” I…

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Dancing With Mary Jane – Part 12 of Through the Gates

Joey is driving out of the city, out of the suburbs, and into the country. He lights up a joint, takes a couple of puffs and hands it to me. While I’m vehemently against smoking and driving, I do have a very good and longstanding relationship with marijuana. While I don’t want to encourage Joey’s…

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Red Truck – Part 11 of Through the Gates

A man pulls up in a red truck. Red truck. I remember a red truck. Was it this truck? It has a bumper sticker which reads “Rednecks for Change.” The man parks the truck and gets out. He has a shaved head with a brown and grey beard, the wiry kind. The kind of facial…

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Joey Mac – Part 10 of Through the Gates

I call Joseph to see if he’s willing to sit down and chat with me. “Hello?” “Hello, is this Joseph McIntosh?” “It’s me, Joey Mac and what’s your name?” “I’m not sure, actually,” I say. “Ya don’t know your own damn name?” “No, actually. Someone…” He interrupts me with: “is this some kind of a…

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The Psychologist – Part 9 of Through the Gates

“Hey Mila, it’s Sam.” Sam’s attention is divided, he looks between me and starting blankly into the distance. It’s a recognition that we’ve made a connection that he wants to help me. Sam continues after a short pause: “I need some information on an ambulance report.” I look at Alex who looks at their father…

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Free Phone – Part 8 of Through the Gates

Alex introduces me to their dad, Sam, and I tell him my story, the whole story and how I ended up in his office. He looks as though he is critical of me, like he doesn’t want me there. “Look Tulsa, I don’t know you, and I’m generally fairly concerned when strange people I don’t…

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