Open Your Eyes

Smell the chalk And stick out your tongue, Taste the exhaust. Feel the spiders crawling up your skin. Listen to the shrill screams. You can change it, or it can change you.

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How to Keep Peace

She takes your dreams, Steals your time, Makes you mad, Bloody irrational. She’ll take your health, Then your life. Breathe. In, she’s translucent. Out, she’s transparent. Breathe. She’s gone. She whispers in your ear. Breathe. In. Out.

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Reset Button

I sometimes need a little button. A little button on the back of my head. I would reach back there, Fiddling around though my hair, Screwing my fingers around. I would press it once, nothing. Twice, nothing. Three times! No stress, warm sand between my toes. No routine, the taste of ocean salt on the…

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A Powerful Disagreement

I sat there, alone in my board room, looking out into the grey city. It’s a city that I once loved, more than anyone or anything. I loved this grey cold beast. The more I schemed, lied, cheated, stole, the more I gave in to my darkest side, the more the beast gave back to…

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We Might Have Already Met the Murderer – Chapter 28

After following my phone’s GPS like a subservient slave to my master of technology, Stain and I are taken to the apartment building directly across from the bank that Lily got shot in. Stain looks angry, fiercely angry. I’ve seen him sad, frustrated, happy, and just about any other range of emotion a man is…

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Taking a Shirt – Chapter 27

We walk into a shop called Taking a Shirt, which I imagine people think is cleverly named. Their logo is a man squatting with a balled up shirt on the ground under him. Inside, I hear Candy Shop playing, that old 50 Cent hit. Behind the cash is a very muscular Latino man. He looks…

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It’s Just Garbage – Chapter 26

Stain looks at me perplexed while we walk, slowly, much slower than usual, and he says: “aren’t we always walking.” “Yeah, sure. We’re always walking.” “What does it mean?” he asks. “Walking? It doesn’t mean anything. We just walk a lot because we like to.” “No. What we’re doing. What does it mean?” he asks….

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Squawk Loudly Like a Chicken – Chapter 25

I arrive at the bank to see Frank, Ben, and Stain, all standing around in a high school sort of circle. They haven’t noticed me yet, so I walk up behind Ben, give her the two handed kidney grab and squawk loudly like a chicken. Ben jumps, almost out of her skin then turns around…

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Money Doesn’t Matter – Chapter 24

Stain looks at me with a curious look, the look a baby makes when he’s trying to push out a poop. He adds a little brow furl on top of that and says in a Ringo Starr with cotton balls in his mouth sort of way: “gee Sappho, what do you want to do tonight?”…

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Lemon and Honey – Chapter 23

A man with an obvious swagger applies powder to Stephanie’s face before he comes over to us, puts a bit of powder on my nose and says in a lisp: “looks like you’ve been working hard.” I look up to see his bald head. Stain shakes his head at me again. “Sappho, you mouth banged…

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