The Terrorist Attack – Chapter 22

I head over to the TV station, since I’m already downtown. I discard the prison break backpack and all the gear in a dumpster along the way. The grappling hook is still hooked on to the police roof. Unfortunately, I couldn’t figure out a suitable way to retrieve it after climbing down. Lucky for me,…

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Breaking Stain Out of Jail – Chapter 21

Some song about a misogynistic man with a questionable sense of morality plays on the radio. The ladies that he keeps referring to as female dogs seem to be calling him “Daddy,” which would indicate that he is either their real father, which I would hope is not the case when he is expressing the…

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Need it List – Chapter 20

I’m at home with no beer and no steak. I can enjoy a good steak, but I’d rather have a nice sausage on the BBQ with a glass of wine and some fried potatoes. No wine today though. I need to focus. Alcohol gives courage, but it won’t lend you any brain power or motivation,…

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This Just Won’t Do – Chapter 19

My fingers are caressing Stephanie’s warm gooey goodies. She continues to kiss me but stops as her eyes close, head tilts backward, and she lets out a little moan. Her voice is quite, but her basement is flooded like it’s hurricane season. The door opens, and I quickly withdraw my digits from beneath Stephanie’s under…

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The Interview – Chapter 18

“What’s your name?” “Sappho.” “Is that your first name or last name?” “It’s my name. There’s no more.” “Look, the boss asked me to interview you, but it’s my reputation on the line here, so if you’re not going to be straight forward with me, I’m not doing the interview. This is my career after…

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Call for Help – Chapter 17

“Name”? “Sappho.” “First name followed by last name.” “The name is Sappho. No last name.” “Are you homeless or something?” “No. Are you homeless?” She looks at me as though I’m the biggest idiot on the planet. “I obviously have a job. I’m sitting here entering your information. So, no I’m not homeless. Look, you’re…

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You Can’t Hurry Love – Chapter 16

As I’m finishing my last few bites of food, Stain goes over to the waitress and hands her a credit card. They chat for a while, and she writes something down. Stain points at the door. He does that a lot; he points. His nonverbal communication skills are extraordinarily effective. I nod, and we walk…

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Country Gravy – Chapter 15

Stain and I walk along the path once more, which now weaves between buildings. We’re almost downtown. I poke Stain sharply between the ribs. “Hey, hungry.” “Cool cool. Let’s just check if the t-shirt place is open yet.” I get louder. “Hungry.” “There are a ton of restaurants right near the t-shirt shop.” “Hungry now….

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Sappho Party of Five – Chapter 14

Stain pushes Not Lily’s face out of his backside and begins putting his clothes back on. Not Lily seems angry again. “I just licked your asshole for like 20 minutes, you owe me a fuck.” “I’m not having intercourse with you; I know where you’ve been.” Before Not Lily gets a chance to give an…

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Backdoor – Chapter 13

A couple of muscular jock types start walking towards the crowd. They have an air of entitlement in their bomber jackets and extra short hair cuts. The smarter looking of the two speaks up, number 17 on his jacket. “Hey, you guys got weed?” Shirtless guy goes to welcome them. “Yes, but you have to…

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