After following my phone’s GPS like a subservient slave to my master of technology, Stain and I are taken to the apartment building directly across from the bank that Lily got shot in. Stain looks angry, fiercely angry. I’ve seen him sad, frustrated, happy, and just about any other range of emotion a man is…
Read moreHappy Birthday – Chapter 2
“So, was I early?” I can tell that while Stain is mildly amused about interrupting my encounter, he’s also worried that he’s upset me. “No, it’s your birthday amigo, there’s no early.” “You sure? You’re not saying much?” “Yeah, the soldier’s rigamortis is still affecting the General’s ability to command, you know?” “Ah, as in…
Read moreIf there is nothing worthwhile to be gained by fighting, #forgiveness is the only thing that makes sense.
“He’s in there Ryan. He doesn’t say much though, but go ahead in.” “Right, well, uh, thank you.” I walk into a sterile smelling room with a bed, a TV, and an old man who I don’t recognize. “Hey Dad.” He says nothing in return, not even moving his head to look at me. “I…
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